Here, let me give you
May 31, 2000 I HAVE helped my husband on occasion and we CAN work together. Of course, there was the time 20 years ago when I painted the trim in one of the kids’ bedrooms. Okay, I’m not Michelangelo, but gees, Louise, it was just the trim for heaven’s sake. He’s a perfectionist; I like to think of myself as a generalist. But we CAN do things together. We can drive places together, as long as he drives. We do pretty well making Christmas lists together, as longs as I shop. We make breakfast together: he smushes up the frozen orange juice and doesn’t get in my way, and I make the eggs, bacon, hash browns and toast, and put it on the table. We CAN plan all kinds of things together—the garden, redecorating, vacations. However, we’re frequently a little impaired in the “to do” department because he’s of the “if it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well” school, while I mostly just want to get it over with so we can have some fun. Lately, however, we’ve been trying to put our finances on the ...