A Hobbit Reveals Herself It’s time for the plant catalogues to start coming in. It didn’t mean much a few years ago but now that gardening is officially a hobby (or in other words, Time Filler) I’m pouring over them like they were scriptures. If I poured over scriptures like I should. Which I don’t, but should, since the reality of their central theme is getting closer. Mom and Dad in the early eighties living the life style that allowed them to wear dress ups. Here are my hobbies: cooking, reading, researching heath websites in order to extend my life, exercising sporadically (frankly the health research is taking up some of that time), playing the piano, trying to learn French, calling my kids and planning visits to them, visiting with friends, and last but not least, gardening. Oh, and I run errands. I love errands. Errands can be checked off and stacked up as accomplishments. But they’re usually not t...
Showing posts from February, 2017