When You're Not Cinderell Anymore
When You’re Not Cinderella Anymore If statistics are correct, slightly over half of the married people reading this article either will be or presently are step-parents, the heads of blended families. The biggest part of carrying this burden often falls on the stepmother—partly because everybody know you blame everything that happens at home on mom and partly because she’s most often there and available. Women are usually more than willing to accept the blame and kids instinctively know this. It’s as natural as playing in the mud in your Sunday clothes. So what are some of the most common complaints about being a stepmother besides having to spend extra time in the evening poisoning tomorrow’s apples and trying to pick up kids at school while at the same time staying on your broom? Virginia, step-mother of five and blended mom of eight, unequivocally states that “rudeness is the number one problem of being a stepparent.” Claudia, blended mom of ten, agrees with her wholeheartedly. Davi...