
Showing posts from December, 2012

The Lettuce Pledge

I (your name here) do solemnly promise that I will not eat another buttered dinner roll or piece of chocolate, unless it is the last piece in a box and I want to save it from being wasted; and I will keep this promise until I can fit into my high school graduation outfit, or until February 1st, whichever comes first.
Up this morning trying to think through the last five days before Christmas:  I have four gift cards to buy at the bank--Visa cards so general that you could buy anything you want except dope or crafts from farmers' markets. There are two presents to mail which I should just mail because the more I think about it, the larger it looms as a job and the later the presents are going to arrive and the guiltier I feel, which in turn makes me want to mail them even less because they're going to be late so the packages should be even bigger and better so they were worth waiting for--so I should go buy more stuff to put in the packages so they'll be even later because I just can't make myself buy anything else.  Ever again.  At least until January. I also have two presents to buy for my sister and my brother-in-law.  I gave my brother-in-law a great present last year, a shirt he put on right away and "never took off" according to my sis.  So now I can never buy him a...