Awful Parenting
November 15, 2000 The only good thing about having been lazy and shiftless and horrible in my youth is that I find it easier to talk to my kids. Nothing really shocks me that much because…how do I say this? I did it all. Or most of it. And now I own a house and have a happy marriage and vote and pay taxes. This is supposed to cheer you up if you’re feeling down about your kids and you were perfect in high school. I feel sorry for you if you got good grades and turned your stuff in on time and never got suspended. Really. It’s hard on you now, isn’t it? If you had goofed up a bit more, you’d have more confidence that things were going to be okay. I’m going to tell you some of the things I’m willing to tell people in print. For example, there was the smoking episode. I went to a private Catholic all-girls school way out in the boonies in Denver. There were fields all around and so during the spring noon hours, a group of us decided that it would be cool to lie out in the field, along a d...