The Modern Grandma
August 23, 2000 I feel as nervous as when I was a new mom trying to figure out which end of the baby to diaper. This is my first babysitting job as a new grandma. There is so much to learn and as Ginger Rogers said – she had to do everything Fred Astaire did and do it backwards. That’s what the role of grandma is. You need to do what the parents want you to do – especially if you were a parent like me whose children barely came out of it alive and actually deserve some sort of survival medal. My daughter-in-law is a lot better parent than me. Back in the old days, I was the parent of that three-year-old running around the concessions stand at the Art City Drive-In at 11 at night in a messy diaper. Still sucking on a binky. Still not potty-trained. I barely got my kids trained for kindergarten—I still thank heaven for those half days. I had thumb suckers and tantrum throwers. We ate candy—they got that first sweet taste of Snickers along with mother’s milk. They ate whole corn and fish ...