
Showing posts from June, 1998

I Thought I Would Be Different

I thought I would be different! YOU NEED TO BUY THE MALIBU BARBIE SHOWER AND CLUB HOUSE or your little girl will never get in touch with her inner babe, never date, become a dried up scaley old lady with a mustache. (And haven’t we all been there?) I’m in California visiting grandkids—my 18 month old granddaughter in LA and my ten-year-old grandson in Solvang, and I’m finding that nothing has changed for me as a grandparent—I’m the same awful loser I was as a mom. Tell me if this has ever happened to you: you’re in Toys ‘R Us or Walmart, whatever, with the kids, and suddenly you’re overwhelmed by the marketing! You freeze up! You can’t make decisions anymore! What will your kids be like without this stuff!! If the boy doesn’t have the NEWEST PLAY STATION he won’t be aggressive enough, the other boys will stomp him, man, he’ll never get an NBA contract or be a sports lawyer. It gets to look more important than college that they learn how to say “Yo, wha’s up?” I’m a nerd again. I flash ...